You are cordially invited to visit AtaiTec at DesignCon Booth #600 to see how to use In-Situ De-embedding (ISD), Advanced SI Design Kit (ADK) and Material Property Extractor (MPX) to:
- Perform causal and skewless de-embedding
- Extract spikes-free PCB trace attenuation
- Compare ISD and Delta-L results
- Correlate DUT results between measurement and simulation
- Process S parameters and run channel simulation
- Extract PCB material property (DK, DF and roughness)
- And more
- "In-Situ De-embedding" by C.C. Huang (AtaiTec) and D. Lin (Nvidia), 01/31/2018 (Wed), 9:20am – 10:00am, Great America Meeting Room 2.
and follow these papers we co-authored:
- "Hacking skew measurement," 01/31/2018 (Wed), 2:50pm – 3:30pm, Ballroom E.
- "A NIST traceable PCB kit for evaluating the accuracy of de-embedding algorithms and corresponding metrics," 02/01/2018 (Thu), 11:00 am – 11:45 am, Ballroom G.