1. 25G SFP28
25G SFP28 收發器適用於 25G 以太網和 Proportion 10)應用,例如 5G 移動網絡。該系列提供適用於 -40⁰C 至 +85⁰C 工業溫度範圍的模組,並具有出色的 EMC/EMI 性能,距離可達 80 公里。
Features :
- Operating Data Rate Support 24.33Gbps and 25.78Gbps with CDR engaged Mode
- Operating Data Rate Support 9.95Gbps and 10.31Gbps with CDR bypassed Mode
- Distances up to 10km, 20km, 30km, 40km and 80km
- Single 3.3V Power Supply
- Duplex LC Connector Interface, Hot Pluggable
- Compliant with MSA SFP+ Specification SFF-8402
- Built-in Dual CDR
- Low Power Dissipation
- Standard 0°C~+70°C or Industrial -40°C~+85C case operation temperature rage
- Operating temperature range: c-temp or i-temp
- 25.78Gb
- CPRI Option 10

2. 32G SFP28
32G SFP28 收發器適用於光纖通道和 25G 以太網應用。它們設計用於多模或單模光纖上的 25/28G Gbps 鏈路。它們符合 IEEE 802.3by、SFF-8472 Rev 12.2 和 SFF-8402,並與 SFF-8432 和 SFF-8431 Rev. 4.1 的適用部分兼容。該光收發器符合 RoHS 規範的 2011/65/EU。
Features :
- Up to 25.78, 27.95, 28.05 Gb/s bi-directional data links
- Build-in CDR
- Hot-pluggable SFP+ footprint
- Built-in digital diagnostic functions
- Duplex LC connector
- RoHS compliant
- Metal enclosure, for lower EMI
- 1.2W maximum power consumption
- Single 3.3V power supply
- Operating temperature range: 0°C to 70°C or -10°C to 70°C
- OUT4
- 32GFC
- CPRI Option 10

3. 25G BiDi SFP28
25G BIDI SFP28 收發器設計用於使用 1270nm/1330nm 或 1270nm/1310nm 波長的雙向 25G 串行光數據通信。這些模塊適用於 25G 以太網和 CPRI(option 10)應用,例如 5G 移動網絡。該系列提供 i-temp 範圍為 -40°C 至 +85°C 的模塊,並具有出色的 EMC/EMI 性能。
Features :
- One Fiber Bi-Di SFP28 Optical Transceiver, WDM SFP28
- Up to 25 Gbps Bi-directional Data Links
- Build-in CDR
- Fully Compliant with SFP+ MSA
- SFF-8472 Digital Diagnostic Function
- Simplex LC Connector
- 1270/1330 for 10km,20km,1270/1310 for 30km,40km
- Distance Up to 10km, 20km, 40km
- Only Required +3.3 V Power Supply
- RoHS Compliant
- -40°C to 85°C case operation temperature range

4. 50G SFP56
50G SFP56 收發器正在解決實現高速和低成本數據中心的技術挑戰。他們正在使用 50Gb/s PAM4 通道來實現適用於交換機互連的 50GE 連接。符合 802.3cd。
Features :
- Supports 53.125Gb/s
- Single 3.3V Power Supply
- SFP56 MSA Compliant
- 53.125Gb/s (PAM4) electrical and optical interface
- Standard 0°C to 70°C or Industrial -40°C to 85°C case operation temperature rage

5. 50G QSFP28
50G PAM4 QSFP28 收發器組專為 10~40km 單模光纖上的 50 Gigabit 以太網鏈路而設計。數字診斷功能可通過 QSFP28 MSA 指定的 I2C 接口獲得。
Features :
- Supports 53.125Gbps optical interface
- Supports 2x26.5625Gbps electrical interface
- Up to 10km/40km over SMF
- RoHS Compliant
- Duplex LC receptacles
- I2C interface with integrated Digital Diagnostic Monitoring
- Single 3.3V Power Supply and Power dissipation< 4.5W

6. 50G BiDi QSFP28
50G PAM4 BiDi QSFP28 收發器模塊專為長達 40Km 單模光纖的 50 Gigabit 以太網鏈路而設計。數字診斷功能可通過 QSFP28 MSA 指定的 I2C 接口獲得。
Features :
- Supports 53.125Gbps
- Single 3.3V Power Supply and Power dissipation < 4.5W
- Up to 40km over SMF
- Commercial case temperature range of 0°C to 70°C
- Support both 2x25.78Gbps(enable KP4 FEC in module) and 2x26.5625Gbps electrical interfaces
- BiDi LC receptacles
- I2C interface with integrated Digital Diagnostic Monitoring
- Safety Certification: TUV/UL/FDA
- RoHS Compliant