
- 詳細內容 -

X2D2是基於BEM的新型2D RLGC場域求解器,已與眾多實際測量結果有相關聯。 X2D2對因果介電常數和表面粗糙度進行建模,並輸出S參數和列表化的W元素模型。

X2D2的總結 :  
  • Causal dielectric model is made simple through wideband Debye model.
  • Surface roughness model is made simple through effective conductivity.
  • Extraction of causal dielectric and surface roughness models is made simple through AtaiTec’s ISD and X2D2.
  • The proposed methodology constructs causal and correlated PCB trace models that help predict 50+ Gbps system performance more precisely.